
Nonstop begonia
Nonstop begonia

Many people start up begonias indoors 4 - 6 weeks before planting them outdoors to get a "jump" on the season and produce earlier blooms. apart (12 cm) and slightly below the soil line (they rot easily when planted too deep).

  • Plant your Begonias in spring after the last threat of night frost, approximately 5 in.
  • In cooler areas than zones 10-11, dig up the tubers before the first frost and store them dormant in a cool dry place over winter. This reliable flowering plant of succulent thickened leaves from the family Begoniaceae originates from the subtropical and tropical regions of central and South America, Africa, and Asia.
  • Tender perennials, Begonias are not winter hardy. Non stop begonia is a widely popular, almost classic floral decoration for window sills, hanging baskets, garden beds, and pots.
  • With weather resistant blooms, these long lasting tuberous begonias will keep flowering well into autumn - long after most summer flowering plants have faded.
  • Ridiculously easy to grow, deer and rabbit resistant, and care-free! The fully double flowers of Begonia Non-Stop Mixed come in a boisterous range of shades, that jostle for attention in containers, beds and borders.
  • Provide good air circulation and protect your Begonia from strong winds!
  • Grow in fertile, well-drained, neutral to slightly acid soil in partial shade.
  • Begonia Nonstop typically forms bushy mounds up to 8-12 in.
  • Give plants 12 to 16 inches of space in between to encourage air circulation and reduce incidence of disease or insect activity. A favorite among the shade loving plants, this Begonia deserves a spot in your beds, borders, window boxes, containers and hanging baskets and will reward you with constant cheerful notes of summer color! Tuberous begonias are an upright medium grower, topping out at about 12 inches tall and spreading about 16 inches wide. Hot weather resistant, Begonia 'Nonstop Fire' is a member of the famous 'Nonstop Series', which is among the best-selling tuberous begonias in the world. Resembling roses with their packed rows of glowing petals in shades of gold and orange, its flowers are truly spectacular and do not require deadheading. across (10 cm), from late spring to frost. Begonia 'Nonstop Fire' is an indefatigable bloomer continuously producing myriads of magnificent and huge, fully double flowers, up to 4 in.

    Nonstop begonia